~*A Taste Of Heaven*~    


1 12 oz oriental style noodle (clear noodle)
1 onion, thinly sliced
1 carrot, thinly sliced
5 whole green onions, cut 1" size
1 cup spinach, cut 1" size (optional)
1 cup gluten, sliced
2 TBS soy sauce powder or soy sauce to taste
2 cloves garlic, chopped
1 TBS yeast flakes
1/2 TBS onion powder
1 TBS sesame seed
1 1/2 TBS turbinado sugar

Put noodle in the boiling water and set aside for 10 minutes. Rinse with cold water and drain. Cut noodle into edible length. Drop 1 TBS canola oil in the heated pan, and saute onion, green onions, spinach, carrot, and gluten. In the large bowl, mix noodle, vegetable mixtures, and remaining ingredients. Mix them well with hand. Serve as cold or you can refry in the wok with 2 TBS canola or olive oil.

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