~*A Taste Of Heaven*~ |
2 TBS active dry yeast
1 TBS honey
3 1/4 cups warm water
1 TBS sea salt
1 cup glutin flour
7 cups whole wheat flour
1/2 cup turbinado sugar, optional
1/4 cup canola or olive oil
Soften yeast and 1 TBS honey in warm water. Combine whole wheat flour, glutin flour, salt, and turbinado sugar. When yeast mixture rised, then add oil. Stir in dry mixtures. Knead until smooth about 10 minutes. Cover and let rise in a warm place until double (about 45 minutes). Punch down. Divide into 3 or 4 portions. Shape each into loaves. Let rise until double. Bake about 35 minutes at 350 degrees.

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